- [S18] 1830 St. Clairsville, Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S19] 1830 Bristol Twp., Morgan Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S21] 1830 Morgan Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S26] 1840 Monroe Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S29] 1850 Delaware Co., IN Cenus, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S31] 1850 Fayette Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S45] 1860 Belmont Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S61] 1880 Lawrence Co., OH Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S64] 1900 Guyandotte Dist.,Cabell Co., WV Census Soundex, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S65] 1900 Union Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Transcribed, , Briggs Library, Ironton, OH.
- [S69] 1910 Muncie, Delaware Co., IN Census, National Archives - Chicago Branch.
- [S79] William Pennington, "A Cry for Revenge", Tripod.com , http://members.tripod.com/~Penningtons/scv.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S88] Wes Cochran, Compiler, Belmont Co., Ohio Marriages, aritcle title, Film: 317290, 1946, Location: LDS Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S99] "Colorado County Marriages 1862 - 2006", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S102] Barbara J. Turner, "Correspondence with Barbara J. Turner", Subject: McCorkle.
- [S110] Cecillia Ostermeyer, "Correspondence with Cecillia Ostermeyer", Subject: Rucker McCorkle.
- [S113] Cristia McAdams Warren, "Correspondence with Cristia McAdams Warren", Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S115] Daniel Dixon, "Correspondence with Daniel Dixon", Subject: Long McCorkle.
- [S116] David C. Grace, "Correspondence with David C. Grace", Subject: Grace, Kiefer McCorkle.
- [S118] Debbie McCaffrey Markel, "Correspondence with Debbie McCaffrey Markel", Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S120] Devota Easley Jones, "Correspondence with Devota Easley Jones", Subject: McCorkle.
- [S123] Ellen Joann Geralds Pierce, "Correspondence with Ellen Joann Geralds Pierce", Subject: McCorkle.
- [S124] Estella Morrison, "Correspondence with Estella Morrison", Subject: McCorkle Means Kiefer Walker.
- [S134] Karen Dunagan Smith, "Correspondence with Karen Dunagan Smith", Subject: McCorkle.
- [S140] Lewis R. Dillon, "Correspondence with Lewis R. Dillon", Subject: Dillon McCorkle.
- [S147] Nadine Stark Newman, "Correspondence with Nadine Stark Newman", Subject: Stark McCorkle.
- [S151] Nancy J. Silkey, "Correspondence with Nancy J. Silkey", Subject: Rice McCorkle.
- [S155] Polly Cox, "Correspondence with Polly Cox", Subject: Brammer, Lee McCorkle.
- [S156] Bob Karstens, "Correspondence with Bob Karstens", Subject: Chapman McCorkle.
- [S162] Ronald C. Wilson, "Correspondence with Ronald C. Wilson", Subject: McCorkle Rucker Phillips.
- [S164] Sandi Goren, "Correspondence with Sandi Goren", Subject: McCorkle.
- [S165] Sandy McCorkle Moss, "Correspondence with Sandy McCorkle Moss", Subject: Rucker McCorkle.
- [S169] Sherrie Pritchard McCorkle, Compiler, "Correspondence with Sherrie Pritchard McCorkle."
- [S177] Thomas W. Dillion, "Index of Persons", Dillion Family Genealogy - History, http://noillid2.150m.com/persons.html, Subject: Dillon Woody.
- [S185] Gallia Co., Ohio Death Index, Film #317663, LDS Library, Salt Lake Ciy, UT.
- [S186] Gallia Co., Ohio Marriage Book, unknown film, LDS Library, Salt Lake Ciy, UT.
- [S192] Ohio Historical Society The Lawrence Co., Hardesty Lake Atlas of Lawrence Co., Ohio, 1885, The Lawrence Co., Ohio Historical Society, 1985,.
- [S196] Jordan Dood, Compiler, "Illinois Marriages 1851-1900", Ancestry.com, Original Date: 2005 , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S197] "Index to Delaware Co., Indiana Marriages 1827 - 1920", Delaware Co., IN GenWeb , http://www.rootsweb.com/~indelawa/Marriages/dcmrindex.htm.
- [S200] "Supplemental Marriage Applications 1937 - 1893", Delaware Co., IN GenWeb Site , http://www.rootsweb.com/~indelawa/Marriages/dcmaindex.htm.
- [S204] Kentucky Health Data Branch, Compiler, "Kentucky Death Index, 1911- 2000", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S209] Lawrence Co., Ohio Military Discharge Records, aritcle title, Location: Briggs Lawrence County Public Library, Ironton, Ohio,.
- [S214] Anonymous, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Bk. 14: Apr 1884-Apr 1888", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/index.htm.
- [S215] Anonymous, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Bk. 13: Mar 1880-Apr 1884", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/index.htm.
- [S216] Anonymous, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Bk.17: Sep 1895-Dec 1898", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/index.htm.
- [S217] Anonymous, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Bk. 18-20: 1895-1905", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/index.htm.
- [S219] Peggy Wells, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Vol. 25-29", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/index.htm.
- [S223] "Lawrence Co., OH Published Marriage Notices", The Lawrence Register, Original Date: Nov 10, 1887 , http://web.archive.org/web/20041106070307/www.scioto.org/….
- [S227] Karen Jeanine Brannon Robinson, LDS FamilySearch, http://www.familysearch.org/, Subject: Anders McCaffrey.
- [S229] Letter from Inez Line Warf , c. 1988 , Inez Line Warf to Jane Ledermann Letters , Dave Woody library.
- [S231] Aurelia M. Jewell, Compiler, Loudoun Co. (Virginia) Marriage Bonds 1751-1880, aritcle title, Virginia Book Co., Berryville, VA, 1975, Location: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S232] Jr John Vogt & John & T. William Kethley, Compiler, Loudoun Co., Virginia Marriages 1760-1850, aritcle title, Iberian publishing Co., Athens, GA, 1985, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S234] Mary Alice Wertz, Compiler, Marriages of Loudoun Co., Virginia 1757-1853, aritcle title, GPC, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1985, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S239] J. S. Daniels, Compiler, "Misc. Births & Deaths from the Tri-State Area - KY, WV, OH", Cabell Co., WV GenWeb Archive, Original Date: 1998 , http://files.usgwarchives.org/wv/cabell/vitals/birth/….
- [S242] Ohio County Clerk Morgan County, Compiler, Morgan Co., Ohio Deed Records, Books E-F, 1833-1836, aritcle title, Film: 911076, LDS Microfilm Lending Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S243] O. S. Barton (Oswald Swinney), editor, Three Years with Quantrill; A True Story Told By His Scout, John McCorkle Armstrong Herald Print, Armstrong, MO, 1914, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S247] Carol Bell, Compiler, Ohio Wills and Estates to 1850 - An Index, aritcle title, 1981,.
- [S250] Marvin Raney, Compiler, Raney Collection, aritcle title, Marvin Raney, July, 1978, Location: Franklin Co. Public Library, Rocky Mount, VA, Subject: Woody.
- [S264] "The Roster of Quantrill's, Andreson's & Todd's Guerillas", Everton.com , http://www.everton.com/usa/GENEALOG/GENEALOG.QUANTRIL, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S265] Dorothy Chambers Watts, Compiler, The Tyree Tree with Angle, Byrd, Dillion, & Woody Branches, aritcle title, Dorothy C. Watts, Albuquerque, NM, 1978, Location: Franklin County Library, Rocky Mount, VA, Subject: Woody.
- [S266] Tombstone Marker Reader: David L. Woody,.
- [S275] Thomas Jefferson McCorkle will (April 19, 1930), Lawrence County Ohio Will Book 12.
- [S281] Nancy Moore, "Nancy Moore's Relatives", keyword=nmoor02, RootsWeb WorldConnect, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S285] 1840 St. Clairesville, Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S287] "Missouri Marriages to 1850", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S291] Chrystal Bailey Talbott, "Chrystal's Family Genealogy", Tripod.com, http://cbt2.tripod.com/cbt/index.html, Subject: McCorkle Crain.
- [S292] Pat Tyler, "Correspondence with Pat Tyler", Import Date: 19 Mar, 2006, Subject: Adams McCorkle.
- [S298] Betty Pulley, "Correspondence with Betty Pulley", Import Date: Mar 12, 2001, Subject: Edwards McCorkle.
- [S307] Gilbert Puckett, "Correspondence with Gilbert Puckett", Subject: Puckett McCorkle.
- [S310] Kevin Ahern, "Correspondence with Kevin Ahearn", Import Date: 6 May, 2001, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S312] Belmont Co., Ohio Marriage Records 1803-1851, Probate Court, Vol. 7/8 1844-1852, #513104, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, UT.
- [S313] Nancy Ann Kelly, "The Ancestors of Nancy Ann Kelly", FamilyTreeMaker User Page, Import Date: 7 Nov 2001, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/s/i/l/…, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S318] Kathline Stewart, "Correspondence with Kathline Stewart", Import Date: Jan 9, 2002, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S321] Edith Bastin, "Edwards Family", keyword=ebastin4, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Import Date: Jan 14 2002, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S322] Edith Bastin, "Harrold/Herrold Family", Tripod.com, Import Date: Jan 14,2002, http://members.tripod.com/ebastin/index.html/, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S323] Edith Bastin, "Waddle/Waddell Family", Tripod.com, Import Date: Jan 14, 2002, http://members.tripod.com/e-bastin/, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S324] Leslie L. McCorkle, "Leslie L. McCorkle Ancestral File", LDS Family Search, Import Date: Jan 24, 2002, http://www.familysearch.org, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S325] 1870 Hart Co., KY census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S326] 1850 Taylor Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S327] 1860 Perry Twp., Martin Co., IN Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S333] Carl Dunn, Francis Shepherd Descendants, Import Date: Feb 14, 2002, Location: GenCircles.com, http://www.gencircles.com/users/cdunn3/3/data/2581, Subject: Shepherd McCaffrey.
- [S336] , Delaware Co., Indiana Birth Records 1882 - 1920 , Location: Delaware Co., IN GenWeb Site, Subject: Woody Feltz McCaffrey.
- [S338] 1920 Windsor Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S341] Edith Bastin, "Correspondence with Edith Bastin", Import Date: Oct 7, 2002, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S348] 1920 Center Twp., Delaware Co., Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S349] 1920 Guyantotte Dist., Cabell Co., WV Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S356] 1930 Union Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S361] Terry Roberts, "Terry's Local Genealogy Page", Yourlaunchpad.com , http://yourlaunchpad.com/genweb.htm, Subject: Fristo, Brasfield McCorkle.
- [S363] 1930 Union Twp., Wayne Co., WV Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S369] 1870 Fishing River Twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S370] 1870 Grand River Twp., Henry Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S371] 1870 St Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S375] 1900 Fishing River Twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S377] Dan McCorkendale, "McCorkendale-Hatfield Genealogy", keyword=danmar, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Import Date: June 25, 2002, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkendale McCorkle.
- [S378] 1930 Dist. 11, Floral Park, Nassau Co., NY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S380] Renessa Lewis, "Jasper County Records Page", RootsWeb FreePages , Import Date: Mar 9, 2003, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rslewis/.
- [S385] Barbara Chapman, "Descendants of Benjamin Chapman."
- [S389] Linda Amman, "Ancestors of Linda Amman", RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Mar 16, 2003, Import Date: Mar 24, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Mooney McCorkle.
- [S393] 1910 Wd. 1, Huntington, Cabell Co., WV Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S394] 1910 Upper Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S411] 1930 Dist. 1, Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S412] 1930 Dist. 17., Munfordville, Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S413] 1930 Dist. 4, Munfordville, Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S415] 1920 Dist. 70, Rowletts Pre., Hart Co KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S416] 1920 Dist. 71, Munfordville, Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S417] 1910 Dist. 1, Hart Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S418] 1900 Mumfordville Pre., Hart Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S419] 1910 White Oak Pre., Adair Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S420] 1930 Dist. 12, Magnolia Dist., Larue Co KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S426] 1930 Dist. 12, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., WA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S427] 1870 Ireland Pre., Taylor Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S428] Edith Bastin, compiler, Walter F. McCorkle Obituary, Hart Co. (Kentucky) News Herald, Original Date: July 23, 2002, Location: Hart Co., KY GenWeb Archive,http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ky/hart/obits/m,.
- [S452] Henry S. Dillon, "Dillon Family Genealogy", keyword=hsdillon, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Aug 23, 2003, Import Date: Sep 16, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkle Dillon Woody.
- [S462] Mrs. George McCaffrey Death Notice, Johnson Co. (Kansas) Democrat, Original Date: June 13, 1889, Import Date: May 26, 2003, Location: Johnson Co., KS GenWeb Archive,http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/johnson/obits/…, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S463] 1920 Fishing River Twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S468] 1900 Coppei Pre., Walla Walla Co., WA Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S471] 1900 Pre. 46, Colfax, Whitman Co., WA Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S472] 1910 Libby Twp., Lincoln Co., MT Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S473] 1900 Wd. 8, Pre. 3, Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S481] 1880 Cameron, Clinton Co., MO Census, , LDS Familysearch.com ,http://www.familysearch.org
- [S483] 1860 Grand River Twp., Cameron, DeKalb Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S506] Mary Lou Klippel, "Patty Srite Culp Families", GenCircles.com, http://www.gencircles.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S507] 1880 Columbus, Adams Co., IL Census, , LDS FamilySearch ,http://www.familysearch.org
- [S527] 1900 Dist. 97, Lexington Twp., Johnson Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S530] 1870 Strattton Twp., Edgar Co., IL Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S536] 1870 Mumfordville Dist., Hart Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S537] Charles Graham Christensen, "Correspondence with Charles Graham Christensen", Original Date: Aug 21, 2003, Import Date: Aug 21,2003, Subject: Christensen McCorkle.
- [S543] Rhonda Barbee, "Barbee Painter", RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Jan 1, 2006, Import Date: Jun 18, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S561] "Washington Death Index 1940 - 2017", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S571] 1880 Dist. 49, Waitsburg, Walla Walla Co., WA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S577] Chris Kerns, "Chris Kerns Family", keyword=:957605, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Aug 25, 2001, Import Date: Sept 16, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Gregory McCorkle.
- [S604] 1860 Marion Twp., Buchanan Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S605] 1880 Washington Twp., DeKalb Co., MO Census, LDS FamilySearch, http://www.familysearch.org
- [S610] 1930 Dist. 4, Clifton Twp., Randolph Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S613] 1910 Richmond Twp., Howard Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S630] Joel Logsdon, "My Ancestors", keyword=jlogsdon, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Aug 5, 2003, Import Date: Sept 24, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Wilkerson McCorkle.
- [S633] 1870 WestraliamTwp., Montgomery Co., KS Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S634] 1880 Parker Twp., Montgomery Co., KS Census, , LDS FamilySearch ,http://www.familysearch.org
- [S635] 1880 Liberty Twp., Montgomery Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S636] 1900 Liberty Twp., Montgomery Co., KS Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S637] 1900 Wd. 2, Independence, Montgomery Co., KS Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S638] Sharon McAllister, "O. T. Luther File", GenCircles.com, Original date: Nov 12, 2002, Import Date: Sep 24, 2003, http://www.gencircles.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S646] Robert I. Farrar, Compiler, "Luther Cemetery Record", Oklahoma Co., OK GenWeb Archive , http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ok/oklahoma/cemeteries/…, Subject: Johnson McCorkle.
- [S647] "Civil War Pension Index", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S648] Maxine Lemke, "Rev. William Thompson", keyword=:1720481, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Feb 15, 2002, Import Date: Sep 28, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Shepherd McCaffrey.
- [S649] 1860 Dodge Twp., Union Co., IA Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S650] 1850 Liberty Twp., Washington Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S651] 1870 Dodge Twp., Union Co., IA Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S653] 1880 Dist. 26, Turner Co., Dakota Territory Census, , Ancestry.com ,http://www.ancestry.com
- [S660] 1880 Dist. 26, Green Twp., Gallia Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S661] 1900 Gallipolis Twp., Gallia Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S662] 1910 Gallipolis Twp., Gallia Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S663] 1920 Gallipolis Twp., Gallia Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S664] Nick Questell, "Questel Family Tree", keyword=:1943100, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Mar 2, 2002, Import Date: Oct 13, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Questel McCorkle.
- [S696] 1930 Dist. 19, Liberty twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S697] 1930 Dist. 10, Galatin Twp., North Kansas City, Clay Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S741] 1860 Fayette Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S744] Jim Fathbruckner, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Book 7: May 1861-Dec 1862", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com.
- [S751] George W. Killian, "Descendents of Andreas Killian", killian, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Oct 27, 2003, Import Date: Nov 7, 2003, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Harless, Lafon McCorkle.
- [S753] Chrystal BaileyTalbott, "Chrystal's Family Genealogy", Tripod.com, Original date: Apr 2, 2002, Import Date: Dec 5, 2003, http://cbt2.tripod.com/cbt/, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S772] 1900 Rome Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S773] 1920 Union Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S793] Bryan T. Schneider, "Schneider/Winters/Brubaker(10/29/06)", RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Oct 30, 2006, Import Date: Nov 18, 2007, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Leighty McCorkle.
- [S794] 1900 Fayete Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S795] 1900 Wd. 2, Guyandotte Twp., Cabell Co., WV Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S796] 1910 Wd. 1, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., WA Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S810] Eddie McCaffrey, George Edward McCaffrey Tombstone, Lawrence Co., Ohio - Union Baptist Chapel Cemetery, Reader: Dave Woody,.
- [S826] Thomas Hopper, "Correspondence with Thomas Hopper", Original Date: Jan 21, 2004, Import Date: Jan 21, 2004, Subject: Morris McCaffrey.
- [S827] 1880 Franklin Twp., Monroe Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S828] Chris Staats, "Staats", keyword=:688075, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Aug 25, 2001, Import Date: Jan 21, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Barnett McCaffrey.
- [S829] 1870 Frank lin Twp., Monroe Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S830] 1860 Franklin Twp., Monroe Co., OH Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S832] Beth Orsi, "This Family of Mine", keyword=borsi, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Dec 16, 2003, Import Date: Jan 23, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Morrison McCorkle.
- [S834] , "Botley Genealogy", Botleydotnet, Import Date: Jan 24, 2004, http://www.botley.net/GenWeb2/Genindex.asp, Subject: Barnett McCaffrey.
- [S836] Bonnie Burkhardt, "Correspondence with Bonnie Burkhardt", Original Date: Jan 22, 2004, Import Date: Jan 25, 2004, Subject: Barnett McCaffrey.
- [S840] Don Ort & Martha Kounse, Compiler, "Lawrence Co., Ohio Marriage Index, Book 9 April 1866 -July 1869", The Lawrence Register , http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com.
- [S848] Ross Love, "Correspondence with Ross Love", Original Date: Jan 27, 2004, Location: Ancestry.com Monroe Co., OH Message Board, Subject: Barnett McCaffrey.
- [S869] 1850 Rochester Twp., Andrew Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S874] 1920 Clifton Hill, Randolph Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S877] 1930 Dist. 3, Norwich, Kingman Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S878] 1910 Liberty Twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S879] 1860 Blue Twp., Jackson Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S881] "Clay Co., Missouri Cemeteries", Clay Co., MO GenWeb Site , http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/mo/clay/claycem.htm.
- [S900] 1880 Grant Twp., De Kalb Co., MO Census, LDS FamilySearch, http://www.familysearch.org
- [S901] Gay Mathis, "Obion Co., TN Branches & Twigs", lgmathis, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Mar 10, 2004, Import Date: Mar 10, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Stark McCorkle.
- [S915] 1900 White Oak Pre., Adair Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S919] Marsha Bailey, "Marsha's Stump & Tree of Twigs", keyword=:2029223, RootsWeb WorldCorrect, Original date: Aug 9, 2003, Import Date: Mar 18, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Rucker McCorkle.
- [S920] 1910 Munfordville, Hart Co., KY Census, Genealogy.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S921] Thelma Line Boyd & Inez Line Warf, Compiler, "Hart Co., Kentucky - Timberlake Cemetery", Hart Co., KY GenWeb Site, Original Date: June 27, 1991 , http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyhart/TimberlakeCem.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S922] Carolyn Olney, Compiler, "Hart Co., Kentucky - Hubbard Cemetery", Hart Co., KY GenWeb Site , http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyhart/HubbardCem.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S928] 1920 Russell Springs, Russell Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S944] 1850 Dist. 1, Taylor Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S950] Diane St. James, "Correspondance with Diane St. James", Original Date: June 16, 2004, Import Date: July 16, 2004, Subject: Anders McCaffrey.
- [S960] Richard A.Thomas, "Genealogy of the Thomas Family of Platte Twp., Clay Co., Missouri", keyword=richard_a_thomas, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: July 3, 2004, Import Date: July 20, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Brokenicky McCorkle.
- [S965] Judy A. McClarnon, "World Family Tree", V45-2709, Genealogy.com, Import Date: July 21, 2004, Subject: Singer McCaffrey.
- [S971] Nettie Gardner, "Buchanan Co., Missouri Taxpayers 1891-91, 1901", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S977] Evan Morrison, "My Family", keyword=:2976143, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Sep 25, 2004, Import Date: Nov 13, 2004, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Lokey McCorkle.
- [S1000] Charles Ovid McCorkle Obituary, Duncan (OK) Banner, Original Date: Dec 31, 2002, Import Date: Jan 9, 2005, Location: Jefferson Co. Oklahoma GenWeb Archive,http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ok/jefferson/obits/…, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1011] 1900 Dist 40, Joplin, Jasper Co., MO Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1012] 1880 Galena, Jasper Co., MO Census, , LDS FamilySearch ,http://www.familysearch.org
- [S1019] 1880 Dist. 22, Longmont Pre., Boulder Co., CO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1022] 1850 Dist. 16, Clinton Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1043] 1910 Shoal Twp., Clinton Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1048] 1900 Pre. 1, Embudo, Rio Arriba Co., NM Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1049] 1860 Rochester Twp., Andrew Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1056] Kimball Carter, "Charles and Kate Carter Family Tree", keyword=:2157819, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Jul 8, 2002, Import Date: Mar 14, 2005, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Stonum McCorkle.
- [S1068] 1860 Prairie Twp., Lincoln Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1077] Mrs. L. E. Harris & Mrs. M. A. Tucker, Compiler, "Jackson Co., Missouri - Smith Cemetery", Jackson Co., MO GenWeb , http://www.rootsweb.com/~mojackso/smith.htm, Subject: Harris McCorkle.
- [S1078] Eli Horton, "Descendants of Benjamin Walton and Ruth Bond", keyword=benwalton, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Nov 30, 1999, Import Date: Mar 16, 2005, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Walton McCorkle.
- [S1081] Jimmie & Pauline Courtney, Compiler, "Clinton Co., Missouri Cemetery Inscriptions: Vol. 1", Selected NWMO Genealogy Pages , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~genenwmo, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1088] 1860 Columbus, Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1089] 1870 Columbus, Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1090] 1880 Camp Point, Adams Co., Il Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1091] 1870 Camp Point, Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1094] Linda Lee, Compiler, "Adams Co., Illinois Civil War Military Unit History", Adams Co., IL GenWeb Archive, Original Date: 2003 , http://www.rootsweb.com/~iladams/military/78f.htm.
- [S1097] Elizabeth Prather Ellesberry, "Ray County, Missouri Marrriages (1820 - 50) and Wills ( 1824 - 49)", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1104] Robert J. Boyce, "R. J. Boyce Jr. Family File", RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Jan 21, 2005, Import Date: Apr 6, 2005, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Powell McCorkle.
- [S1105] Sandi Goren, "Glasgow Weekly Times -1900", Original Date: Feb 19, 2005, Location: South-Central-Kentucky-L Archive, http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/…, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1111] 1880 Lawrence Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1119] "Cochise Co., Arizona Genealogy Society", MyCochise.com , http://www.mycochise.com, Subject: Rearden McCorkle.
- [S1125] 1880 Platte Twp., Clay Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.familysearch.org
- [S1128] Rudena Kramer Malloy, Compiler, Clay Co., Missouri Marriages 1881 - 1904, aritcle title, 1997, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1130] Nanon Lucille Carr, Compiler, Clinton Co., Missouri Marriage Records 1833 - 1870, aritcle title, self published, 1955, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1131] Kenneth D. Cox & Doris E. Lett, Compiler, Clay Co., Missouri Death Notices from Area Newspapers 1876 - 1894, aritcle title, Northwest Genealogical Society, St. Joseph, MO, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1134] DeKalb Co., Missouri Mar 1845 - 1880, Northwest Genealogical Society, St. Joseph, MO, Location:McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1143] Katherine Gentry Bushman, Compiler, Clay Co., Missouri Orignal Land Grants, aritcle title, 1967, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1144] Mrs. Howard W. Woodruff, Compiler, Missouri Miscellany Vol. IX, aritcle title, Mar, 1980, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1145] Anonymous, Compiler, Missouri State Genealogical Society Journal Vol. VIII, No. 2, aritcle title, Spring, 1988, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1149] Anonymous, Compiler, Cemetery Census of Clay Co., Missouri V1, aritcle title, Clay Co., MO Historical Society, 1983, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1151] Missouri Pioneers, Vol. 10, aritcle title, April, 1971, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1152] Nadine Hodges & Howard W. Woodruff, Compiler, Genealogical Notes from the Liberty Tribune, Vol. 5, 1880 - 1886, aritcle title, Location: McClung Historical Library, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1155] Betty Hill Gundy, Compiler, Ray Co., Missouri Original Land Entries, aritcle title, Ray Co., MO Genealogical Association, 1994, Location: McClung Hisrorical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1161] 1860 Boons Lick Twp., Howard Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1162] 1870 Boons Lick Twp., Howard Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1164] Robert McCorkle will (May 5, 1867), Robert McCorkle Will LDS Library, Salt Lake City, UT, # 2294581,.
- [S1228] 1850 Pike Co. IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1234] 1910 Marion Pre., Franklin Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.genealogy.com
- [S1240] , U. S. Veterans Cemeteries 1800 - 2004 , Location: Ancestry.com Archive.
- [S1253] "Kentucky Birth Collection 1852 - 1999", Ancestry.com Archive , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1255] 1880 Munfordville Pre., Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1260] Kathy Hill Lynch, "Hill's and Halley's of Gallia Co., Ohio", keyword=kathyhill-lynch, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Dec 25, 2005, Import Date: Jan 10, 2006, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: Kelly McCaffrey.
- [S1267] 1920 Dist. 79, Bonnieville Pre., Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1268] 1920 Dist. 69, Munfordville Pre., Hart Co., KY Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1270] 1803 Green Co., KY Tax List, #8004, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, UT.
- [S1273] 1823 Green Co., KY Tax List, # 8004, LDS Library, Salt Lake City, UT.
- [S1274] Hubert W. Lacey & Jay Goodner, "Goodner Family", Goodner Family Book, Original date: c1960, Import Date: Jan 17, 2006, http://goodnerfamilybook.goodner.info/, Subject: Wood McCorkle.
- [S1281] Clela Fuller Morgan, "If This House Could Talk - The McCorkle Story", City of Cameron, Missouri, Original Date: Nov 1997 , Import Date: Feb 2, 2006, http://www.cameron-mo.com/sites.asp, Subject: McCorkle Harris Cameron.
- [S1284] Jordan Dodd, "Ohio Marriages 1803 - 1900", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1289] Charley Blackstone, "Leon McCorkle, Class of 1932", Kewpie Classmates Association , Import Date: Feb 15, 2006, http://kewpie.net/leonmccorkle.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1294] Kenneth E. Weant, "Jasper Co., Missouri Deaths 1878 - 1905", Ancestry.com, Original Date: 2002 , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1308] John A. Jackson & Linda Cunningham Fluharty, Compiler, "Jamess F. McCorkle Obituary and Biography" , Import Date: Mar 4, 2006, Location: http://www.lindapages.com/wvcw/1wvc/1wvc-mccorkle.htm, Subject: Tullis McCorkle.
- [S1314] 1900 Dist. 77, Proctorville, Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1322] Rosemary McCaffrey, "Correspondance with Rosemary Spencer McCaffrey", Original Date: Mar 1, 2006, Import Date: Mar 6, 2006, Subject: McCaffrey.
- [S1331] 1920 Aid Rwp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1332] 1920 Union Twp., Scioto Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1337] Sharon Mason, "Legg Family Tree", keyword=032045, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Sep 22, 2003, Import Date: Mar 10, 2006, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McComas, Scarberry McCaffrey.
- [S1338] 1910 Wd. 1, Ironton, Lawrence Co., OH Cesus, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1339] 1930 Dist. 28, Davenport, Scott Co., IA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1341] Carrie Eldridge, Torn Apart, How Cabell Countians Fought the Civil War, aritcle title, 2000, Location: McClung Historical Center, Knoxville, TN, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1343] Sandi Goren, "RootsWeb Barren Co., Kentucky Message Board", Original Date: Oct 3, 1998, Location: RootsWeb Message Board, http;//boards.rootsweb.com/localities.northam.usa.states/mb.ashx, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1346] 1920 Honey Creek Twp., Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1347] 1900 Camp Point Twp., Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1350] 1910 Honey Creek Twp., Adams Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1352] 1870 Goshen Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1353] 1880 GoshenTwp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1354] 1910 Goshen Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1355] 1850 St. Clairsville, Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1356] 1850 Richichland Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1357] 1850 Goshen Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1358] 1830 Union Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1359] 1830 Somersett Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1360] 1840 Richland Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1404] 1910 Wd. 5, St. Mary Par., LA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1424] 1840 Roane Co., Tennessee Revolutionary War Veterans Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1426] Mary Hardin McCown & Nancy Jones Stickley & Inez E. Burns, Compiler, Washington Co., Tennessee Records, aritcle title, 1964, Location: McClung Historical Collecton, Knoxville, TN, Subject: Chapman McCorkle.
- [S1427] Robert L. Bailey, Compiler, Roane Co., Tennessee Tax Lists 1828 - 1832, aritcle title, Roane Co., TN Genealogical Society, 1994, Location: McClung Historical Collection, Knoxville, TN, Subject: Chapman McCorkle.
- [S1446] James (Jack) Benton Childers, "10331", keyword=:a10331, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Aug 25, 2001, Import Date: Jul 30, 2006, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1461] 1870 Catlin Twp., Vermilion Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1470] "World War II Draft Cards Young Men 1940 - 1947", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1474] Meldon J. Wolfgang, Compiler, Virginia Revolutionary War Pension Applications V17, Location:McClung Historical Center, Knoxville, TN, Subject: Woody McCorkle.
- [S1480] "Illinois Statewide Marriage Index 1763 - 1900", Illinois State Archives , http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/….
- [S1481] Lotte E. Jones, "History of Vermilion County, Illinois", University of Illinois Digitized Books , Import Date: 1911, http://libsysdigi.library.uiuc.edu/oca/Books2007-09/….
- [S1482] Joy Fisher, Compiler, "John W. Boggess Biography", Vermilion Co., IL GenWeb Archive , http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/il/vermilion/vermbio.htm, Subject: Boggess McCorkle.
- [S1502] "Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950", Illinois State Archives , http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/….
- [S1521] 1820 Leesburg, Loudoun Co., VA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1528] Karen Carmichael Boggs & Louise Muir Coutts, Compiler, Howard Co., Missouri Cemetery Records, aritcle title, 1994, Location: McClung Historical Center, Knoxville, TN, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1543] , Interment.net , Import Date: Aug 31, 2006, http://interment.net.
- [S1559] 1900 Bonner Springs, Delaware Twp., Wyandotte Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1560] 1910 Wd. 7, Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1618] 1860 Catlin Twp., Vermilion Co IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1621] 1910 Libby Twp., Lincoln Co., MT Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1622] Montana Dept. of Public Health, Compiler, "Montana Death Index 1907 - 2015", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1625] 1860 Twp. 9, Rng. 9E, Gallatin Co., IL Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1627] 1930 Grant Pre., Pierce Co., WA Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1628] Dolly M. Hall Obituary (Abstract), Tacoma (Washington) News Tribune, Original Date: Feb 20, 1939, Location: Tacoma Public Library Obituary Archive,www.tpl.lib.wa.us, Subject: Hall McCorkle.
- [S1630] 1910 Wd. 2, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1631] Frederick Adams Virkus, The Compendium of American Genealogy - Vol. V, Genealogy Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1933,.
- [S1632] Frederick Adams Virkus, The Compendium of American Genealogy - Vol. VI, Genealogy Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1937,.
- [S1633] Frederick Adams Virkus, The Compendium of American Genealogy - Vol. VII, Genealogy Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1942,.
- [S1638] "Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates", Arizona Department of Health Services , http://genealogy.az.gov.
- [S1643] 1880 Sherman Twp., DeKalb Co., MO Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1654] "Missouri Birth & Death Database - Pre 1910", Missouri Secretary of State Archives , http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/resources/birthdeath/.
- [S1667] Myrl Biffle Obituary, Duncan (OK) Banner, Original Date: Nov 4, 2002, Import Date: Dec 13, 2006, Location: Stephens Co., OK GenWeb Archive,http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ok/stephens/obits01.htm, Subject: Biffle McCorkle.
- [S1738] Unknown editor, editor, Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of Rebellion.
- [S1739] 1920 Dist. 5, Goshen Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1741] Marla Price, Compiler, "Death Records for Belmont Co., OH from 1893 - 1904", RootsWeb Freepages , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~marlaprice/….
- [S1754] Anonymous, Compiler, "Portrait and Biographical Record of Buchanan and Clinton Counties Missouri Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States", Ancestry.com , Import Date: 1893, http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1756] Debra Clarke, "Correspondance with Debra Clarke", Original Date: Mar 22, 2007, Import Date: Mar 22, 2007, Subject: Williams McCorkle.
- [S1757] 1910 Hauser Pre., Kootenai Co., ID Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1758] "Idaho Death Records 1890 - 1967", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1759] Barbara Turner & Sharlene Miller & Suzanne Lehr, Compiler, "Mount Mora Cemetery Records", RootsWeb Archive, Original Date: 2007 , http://www.rootsweb.com/~mommcpa/, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1827] Minerva McCorkle Probate Announcements, Liberty (Missouri) Weekly Tribune, Location: Historic Missouri Newspaper Project,http://newspapers.umsystem.edu/,.
- [S1830] Pulaski County Historical Society, Pulaski Co., Kentucky Mariage Book 1: 1799 - 1800, Location: McClung Historical Center, Knoxville, TN,.
- [S1833] Inez Line Warf, "Inez Line Warf Family Group Record", Kentucky Family 5 (Mar, 1982).
- [S1834] "Kentucky Death Records 1852 - 1965", Ancestry.com , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1847] "World War II Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Casualties, 1941-1945", Ancestry.com, Original Date: 2007 , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1855] Sandra L. Tidwell, "Sandra L. Tidwell Pedigree Resource File", LDS Family Search, http://www.familysearch.org, Subject: McCorkle Cameron.
- [S1856] Donald Cottam, "Donald Cottam Pedigree Resource File", LDS Family Search , http://www.familysearch.org, Subject: McCorkle Cameron.
- [S1857] Stephen Craig, "The Craig Genealogy", keyword=cygnus12, RootsWeb WorldConnect, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCorkle Cameron.
- [S1859] Edith Bastin, compiler, Wildia Elizabeth McCorkle Obituary, Hart Co. (Kentucky) News Herald, Original Date: Jun 14, 1979, Location: Hart Co., KY GenWeb Archive,http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ky/hart/obits/m,.
- [S1860] Moria Wolfinger, "Wolfinger Family Tree", keyword=moria, RootsWeb WorldConnect, Original date: Sep 9, 2007, Import Date: Nov 18, 2007, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Subject: McCaffrey Grunwalt Painter.
- [S1864] Edith Bastin, Compiler, "Hart Co., KY Mitchell Jagger's Cemetery", WWW.So-Ky.com , http://www.so-ky.com/cem/hartcem/mj/mj.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1868] Janet Smoot, "Smoots of (W)V and OH", dcsmoot, RoorsWeb WorldConnect, http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com, Subject: Smoot McCaffrey.
- [S1875] Bill Penington, Compiler, "Sedgwick Co., KS Marriages", Sedgwick Co., MO GenWeb , http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/mhgs/marriage.htm, Subject: McCorkle.
- [S1876] A. T. Andreas, Compiler, "History of the State of Nebraska", The Kansas Collection, Original Date: 1882 , http://www.kancoll.org/index.php.
- [S1882] "Moberly (Missouri) Weekly Monitor", Ancestry.com , Location: Ancestry.com Historical Newspapers, http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S1902] Parricia B. Duncan, Compiler, Index to Loudoun Co., Virginia Land Deed Books 1822 - 1826, aritcle title, Heritage Books, Westminster, MD, 2006, Location: Google Books,.
- [S1922] Sandi Gorin, compiler, Wilburn King Obituary, Cave City (Kentucky) Progress, Original Date: Sep 27, 1974, Location: Hart Co., KY U. S. GenWeb Archives,http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/obits,.
- [S1928] Kay Brown, compiler, Boggs - McCorkle, Gallipolis (Ohio) Bulletin
, Original Date: Oct 23, 1903,. - [S1929] 1910 Dist. 29, Gallia Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1932] "Washington Death Certificates 1907 - 1960", LDS FamilySearch Record Search , http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch.
- [S1938] "Indiana Marriage 1780 - 1992", LDS FamilySearch Record Search , http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch.
- [S1947] "Idaho Death Certificates 1911 - 1937", LDS FamilySearch Record Search , http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch.
- [S1959] "Texas Deaths", LDS FamilySearch Record Search , http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#start.
- [S1970] , Footnote.com Civil War Archive , http://www.footnote.com/.
- [S1992] Darlene L. McCorkle Obituary, The (Wilmington, Illinois) Free Press Advocate, Original Date: No date, http://freepressnewspapers.com/main.asp,.
- [S1994] 1880 Dist. 182, Weyauwega, Waupaca Co., WI Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S1998] "Civil War Service Records - Union - WV", Fold3.com Archive , http://www.fold3.com.
- [S2001] Leon Marshall (Mac) McCorkle Obituary, Marion (Ohio) Star, Original Date: Feb 10, 2011, Location: MarionStar.com,http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/marionstar,.
- [S2002] Malinda McCaffry Shepherd Obituary, Afton (Iowa) Enterprise, Location: Findagrave.com,http://www.findagrave.com,.
- [S2017] 1840 Fayette Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2040] "Arkansas County Marriages 1837 - 1957", Ancestry.com Archive , http://www.ancestry.com.
- [S2099] "Illinois County Marriages 1810 - 1940", LDS FamilySearch Records , https://www.familysearch.org.
- [S2156] 1900 Dist. 70, Lawrence Twp., Lawrence Co., OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2170] Ryan Kasler, "Correspondance with Ryan Kasler", Original Date: May 23, 2012, Subject: Kean McCaffrey.
- [S2225] 1940 Dist. 91-119, Cincinnati, OH Census, Ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2246] "Nevada Marriage Index1956 - 2005", Ancestry.com , http://search.ancestry.com.
- [S2251] Louise S. McCorkle Obituary, The (San Diego, California) Evening-Tribune, Original Date: May 24, 1990, Location: GenealogyBank,http://www.genealogybank.com,.
- [S2253] "U.S. Public Records Index Vol. 1", Ancestry.com , http://search.ancestry.com.
- [S2265] Lyda Fleming Craver Obituary, The Peninsula (Port Angeles, Washington) Daily News, Original Date: Sep 9, 2012, Location: The Peninsula Daily News Online,http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/peninsuladailynews/,.
- [S2292] Administrators Notice, The Quincy (Illinois) Whig Republican, Original Date: Feb 23 1861, Location: Quincy Public Library Newspaper Archive,http://www.quincylibrary.org/,.
- [S2293] "Illinois Civil War Detail Report", Illinois State Archives , http://www.ilsos.gov/isaveterans.
- [S2327] 1885 Shawnee Twp., Wyandotte Co., KS Census, Ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2340] "Missouri Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications - Soldiers Home Applications – Approved", LDS FamilySearch Family Records , https://familysearch.org/.
- [S2345] Richard A. McCorkle Obituary, Clancy-Gernon Funeral Homes Obituaries, http://www.clancygernon.com,.
- [S2375] 1940 Dist. 82-30, Davenport, Scott Co., IA Census, Ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2419] Becky Wilkinson, Ancestry.com Member Trees: Bame/Woods Family Tree, Subject: McCorkle Bame, Url: http://trees.ancestry.com/ (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S2478] 1870 Center Twp., Buchanan Co., MO Census, Ancesrty.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2479] 1880 Dist. 27, Brown Co., TX Census, Ancesrty.com, http://search.ancestry.com
- [S2483] Washington McCaffrey Death, The (Woodsfield, Ohio) Spirit of Democracy, Original Date: Dec 27, 1845, Location: Library of Congress Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers,http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/,.
- [S2498] Elizabeth McCorkle Obituary, The Olathe (Kansas) Mirror, Original Date: Oct 10, 1889, Location: Newspapers.com Archive,http://www.newspapers.com,.
- [S2528] "Ohio, Probate Records, 1789-1996 - Belmont - Estates index 1801-1921 vol 1-3", LDS FamilySearch Family Records , https://familysearch.org.
- [S2529] "Ohio Probate Records 1789-1996 - Belmont Inventories 1845 - 1852 Vol. C-D", LDS FamilySearch Family Records , https://familysearch.org.
- [S2536] 1870 Center Twp., Appanoose Co., IA Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2537] 1880 Dist. 20, Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2548] "Ohio Probate Records 1789-1996 - Belmont Inventories 1845 - 1852 Vol. C-D", LDS FamilySearch Family Records , https://familysearch.org.
- [S2549] 1880 Turner Co., lDakota Ter., Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2552] 1856 Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2553] 1860 Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2555] 1850 Wayne Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2557] 1860 Penn Twp., Jeffereson Co., IA Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2562] Ohio County Clerk Morgan County, Compiler, Morgan Co., Ohio Deed Records, Books G-H, 1835 - 1839, aritcle title, Film: 911077, LDS Microfilm Lending Library, Salt Lake City, UT,.
- [S2563] Morgan County Ohio County Clerk, Compiler, Morgan Co., Ohio Deed Records, Books I-J, 1839 - 1841, aritcle title, Film: 911078, LDS Microfilm Lending Library, Salt Lake City, UT,.
- [S2572] "Kentucky Death Records 1911 - 1961", LDS FamilySearch Family Records , https://familysearch.org.
- [S2603] Irene Mount Ochsenbine & Catharine Foreaker Fedorchak, Compiler, Belmont County, Ohio Before 1830, aritcle title, Anundsen Publishing, Decorah, IA, 1977, Location: Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society, St. Clairsville, OH, Subject: Galloway Buchanan McCaffrey. Assisted by Sarah Broadbent.
- [S2604] 1830 Warren Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2605] 1830 Kirkwood Twp., Belmont Co., OH Census, Ancesrty.com, http://www.ancestry.com
- [S2622] "Albert S. McCaffrey Probate; Appointment of Administrators", Ohio Probate Records 1789 - 1996 , Location: LDS FamilySearch Family Records, https://familysearch.org.
- [S2698] , Social Security Applications and Claims Index 1936 - 2007 , Location: Ancestry.com Archive, http://www.ancestry.com.
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