Monsignor Louis Wellington McCorkle
28 May 1921 - 13 Jun 2021 


The genealogical research and publications of Msgr. Louis McCorkle have been the model for my efforts in providing some of the family history of Samuel and Sarah McCorkle and their descendants. Although he is not a descendant of Samuel and Sarah, nor did he contribute primary research in this area, he published the results of those researchers that did do research on this line. Indeed, Msgr. McCorkle provided an open forum and published the work of researchers on all McCorkle lines. To his credit, his work was not a “one name” study, but instead he devoted considerable book space to the descendants of the daughters of McCorkles. In addition, he studied the McCorkles and their ancestral lineage in England, Scotland, Ireland and other European countries. Msgr. McCorkle’s first McCorkle book, From Viking Glory: Notes on the McCorkle Family in Scotland & America, published in 1982, has long been out of print and is much sought after by the serious researcher.  His recently published From Vikings - The McCorkle Family builds on the first book; correcting errors, adding new material and proposing different theories to complicated situations.


The short biography below was noted in the Conception Seminary College’s announcement of the selection of Msgr. McCorkle for the Alumni Award for Distinguished Service.


“Msgr. McCorkle, who completed his theology studies at Conception in 1953, is an accomplished artist and has chaired the art department at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Hannibal, Mo., since its opening in 1957. He also has held several pastorates, as well as serving as chaplain at Hannibal’s St. Elizabeth Hospital and as a teacher at McCooey High School in Hannibal.”

The still-life water colors of this “accomplished artist” are offered by art dealers in the
St. Louis area. Msgr. McCorkle is also a sculptor and is the creator of the bronze bust of Mark Twain shown at the right.


          Msgr. McCorkle is the preeminent McCorkle family historian in the United States and, most likely, the world.  We all owe him a great deal for his thoughtful, unselfish research and publications.


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Revised 7 Feb 2022