Robert McCorkle Will
From: Clay Co., Missouri Wills
and Letters of Administrations 1838 - 1878; LDS Film 2294581
Transcribed by Dave Woody
First, to my beloved wife Minerva McCorkle
all or as much of the household and kitchen furniture as is necessary for their
own use not to exceed the value of sixty dollars and also bed and bedding for
her own use and any personal property she may want by giving a receipt for the
same to be duly accounted for to use it only in their own comfort and support
also the rents and profits of my farm that I now live on after the taxes are
paid is to be kept as a fund separate and apart from the residue of any estate
and to be a fund of itself on which my beloved wife Minerva McCorkle can draw at
any time for her own use and benefit. Now, the remainder o my personal estate I
give and bequeath as follows, to my daughter Lydia Elizabeth Hinman the sum of
five dollars. To heirs of my son Wm Jackson McCorkle the sum of five dollars and
the remainder of my personal estate. I give to my other seven children James J.
McCorkle, Eliza Wisehart, Mary Conrow, Samantha McCullough, John McCorkle,
Robert McCorkle Minerva Lenon in equal share, share and share alike, except
Samantha McCullough's share is to be left in trust for her own use and the use
of her bodily heirs. After the death of my beloved wife Minerva McCorkle, all
things that may be left, together with all my real estate, I give and bequeath
to my seven last names heirs viz:, James Jefferson McCorkle, Eliza Wisehart,
Mary Conrow, Samantha McCullough, John McCorkle, Robert McCorkle, Minerva Lenon,
share and share alike, except Samantha McCulloughs share shall be kept in trust
for her own use and the use of her bodily heirs.
I hereby appoint Henry B. Gillam of the county of Clay and the state of Missouri
my Executor to carry out the provisions of this my last will and testament.
Given under my hand this the 5th May 1867.
Robert X McCorkle
Witness: Henry Odle, Caleb Conrow
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Created Aug 9, 2007
Revised Jan 13, 2012